The curriculum of the Priscilla Pond Flawn Child and Family Laboratory is play-based and emergent. It is designed to meet the individual needs of each child. Teachers work cooperatively with families, students, and team members to determine each child’s level of development, needs, and interests. Children’s school days consist of carefully and intentionally planned environments, activities, and social interactions that foster development across the five basic developmental domains: social, emotional, language, cognitive, and physical.
Our goal is to provide an environment that facilitates the development of:
- Self-confidence, initiative, and a positive self-image
- Feelings of belonging, love, and respect
- Friendliness and consideration for others
- Enthusiasm for learning
- An ability to solve problems
- Complex skills and learning in all areas of development
We also provide opportunities for children to:
- Express individuality and uniqueness
- Relate to adults other than those in one’s family
- Take part in group experiences
Teachers masterfully create a classroom environment to reflect the diversity of families and society, including gender, age, language, and abilities. The materials range from familiar to novel and provide for children’s safety while encouraging exploration, experimentation, and discovery. Materials are rotated frequently to reflect changing curricula and to accommodate new interests and skill levels.
Chosen topics of study include the following content areas:
- Language and Literacy
- Large and Fine Motor Skills
- Science and Technology
- Music and Arts
- Mathematics
- Social and Emotional Development
- Health and Safety
- Social Studies